By Nigeria Anderson
James JB Brown (JB) is a sportscaster known for hosting sport events on CBS, FOX, NFL, HBO, NBA. Being in front of a camera and traveling state to state can lead to a life of eating when
you can and poor rest. Creating a lifestyle of poor eating habits and snaking, which can put on unwanted pounds. James JB Brown is a true man of transformation. Currently, advocating for all to be strong, healthy and energetic. After being challenged with his doctor’s diagnosis of being pre-diabetic. JB admits he had been battling with his weight for a while. After a plethora of big man jokes, which became less funny. JB had to do an evaluation regarding his health.
His goal became clear. JB was informed about NutriMost program created by a Christian doctor. Being a Christian as well James JB Brown decided to try it for himself. NutriMost is not a diet. It is a plan to healthier eating, not excluding good foods we enjoy so much. James JB Brown is no follower of get slim quick and validates the NutriMost Program based on his own personal experience. The results are evident. JB became an ambassador for NutriMost.
It is great to see a male figure promoting weight loss. For so long there have been many commercials with women promoting weight loss. Finally, we have JB to address men who are struggling with their weight. Please welcome our new Keyplayer James JB Brown as we dismiss myths that men are not concerned about their health and well being. JB’s interview is very transparent. His testimony will encourage all to reevaluate how we are to care for our self. For more information visit https://www.nutrimost.com. Click on the link and enjoy our interview. PRESS